Bare Hands and Wooden Limbs Wins Prize in Santiago de Cuba Film Fest

Poster for the 2015  14th International Documentary Festival Santiago Álvarez in Memoriam

Bare Hands and Wooden Limbs won Best Directing for short and medium length documentaries at the 14th International Documentary Festival Santiago Álvarez in Memoriam on March 9th, 2015, in  Santiago de Cuba. 

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Here I am with trophies, next to Lazara Herrera Gonzalez, the widow of Santiago Alvarez and the director of the festival.

A list of all the prize-winning films can be found here. 

The film that took away the most prizes was a documentary about Bolivian women landminers entitled Mujeres de la Mina by Malena Bystrowicz and Loreley Unamuno.

Another great prize-winning film from the festival was LOS ZAFIROS, MUSICA DESDE EL BORDE DEL TIEMPO." Very moving extended version of a doc that previously circulated in a shorter version. Available in English and Spanish.

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Here we are with the filmmaker, Jao.

“Kenichi una historia de amor”, (KENICHI, A LOVE STORY) by Kuo Weng Joa Sierra won three prizes, from El Museo de la Imagen Bernabé Muñiz, la Biblioteca Elvira Cape y Federación Nacional de Cine Club. 

The movie is about the first Japanese man who immigrated to Santiago de Cuba in 1913 and raised his family there. 

Image removed.The festival ended with a night of salsa dancing.